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A while ago I was tagged by two dear bloggie friends of mine (Toni and Amy) and since Ive been slack busy I havent done them. Today Im fixing that up. I am going to spare you from reading a long long post and make it easy for myself by just doing 10. I know Im cheating but I told you Im slack busy LOL

Here goes:-

1 I use to belong to St John’s ambulance as a cadet

2 I use to collect cactus and have a little glasshouse of mine own

3 I loved woodwork as a child and made a ladder as well as other things. I loved it so much that I took it in my first year at high school as well as at intermediate.

4 I went to CobbnCo for my 13th birthday

5 I use to be a Brownie and then a Girl Guide (in the photo below Im 3rd from the right and this was my first camp)

6 Ive always bitten my finger nails

7 Ive always like full length mirrors

8 As a child I use to play that I was a warrior and had a pretend spear

9 Although you might think this fact above means I was a tom boy I wasnt. I liked playing with dolls too

10 I use to play the guitar but I never practised much which probably is the reason I never got very far with it even though I had music lessons as a child for many years.

I wont tag any one because youve probably all done these anyway. I am SLACK!!! But if youd like to do these go ahead and tell me so I can read your answers and know that youre not as slack as me 🙂

I was 20 months old my mother would have been 8 months pregnant with my little sister.  As well as this pool I would have had a sandpit too.  It was in a concrete pit that one day had been a goldfish pond.  When we went to live in the house I grew up in Dad decided it wasnt safe and drained it and made it into a sand pit instead.  It was an awesome sand pit about 6 foot by maybe 4 foot with a depth of maybe about 2 or 3 feet in depth.  We had many years of fun playing in it.  At night it had an iron cover made of roofing iron sheets joined together with wood over it.



3 months old


sleeping beauty 3 months old


6 months old


7 months old already for a swim. Im not sure if these were home made but if they were my father probably made them he was the sewer in our house. He also use to take over completley in the weekends and look after me allowing Mum to have a rest. This was rather unheard of in the early 1970’s.



9 months old

All photos if clicked on should enlarge


click on to enlarge

When I was born my father was an electrician and they were provided a house to live in. I have seen the land it was once on its quite grassy now. It was a little cottage. Probably only 2 bedrooms as we had to move when my sister was born. It was right next to some power line towers. At least one of the towers was on our section.




Next door to us lived a friend of Mum’s. From what I gather this lady got German Measles when Mum was pregnant with me. I could have been born like Muzz whose mother did get it when she was pregnant with him. Muzz has an 80% hearing loss and is blind in one eye. Anyway Mum was fortunate she didnt get it and I was born without any medical conditions. Anyway this lady had a little boy called Guy and Guy and I use to play with each other all the time.

Here we are I was 7 months old.



I wonder what happened to Guy??? I wonder if he was affected by rubella???

May 2007

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