
Mary from Owlhaven is hosting a Carnival about our childhood homes.

When I was a child I lived in a house on the corner of a highway and a side street. We had a large backyard where I use to love playing but more about that later. My father collected cactus so outside the lounge window was a homemade glasshouse full of cactus. I would have a smaller glasshouse beside it in later childhood years. We had a 3 bedroom wooden house. I had my own bedroom. It wasnt very big but it was mine. In later years we would enlarge it and I would get a full length mirror on my wardrobe door.

Before the house extension the kitchen had black and white lino squares which I use try to walk on without touching the lines. On the corner of the sink bench was a rubber stopper which dad put there to prevent us kids getting hurt when and if we got near the sharp edge of the bench. We also had a large built in porch. It was like a room and was very handy in the winter time. I remember fainting there once when I was sick.

We also had a rumpus room by the garage. This is where I would play for many long hours at being a radio DJ. I was allowed to decorate the room with my posters, I had a small table on which sat my radio/cassette player.  This is where I would read my girly magazines and drool over the likes of Michael J Fox, John Stamos and Tom Cruise.

Going back to the large backyard we had I use to spend many long summer hours climbing the climbing tree. Or playing that I was a warrior with a pretend spear. We (my sister and I) were also expected to help wash the family car. We also helped picking up the hedge clippings until I finally managed to convince my parents that they irritated my sinuses. Then I was allowed to stay inside while my sister had continue helping dad.

It was a special treat we felt to be allowed to ride our bikes up and down our road.  My parents had a rule (which I apply to my own children to this day) that we werent allowed outside the gate.  So to be able to ride our bikes (sometimes make believe horses) outside the gate and down as far as the school entrance was  a real privilege.

If you would like to read more about my childhood memories read my other posts in this blog.  I have many more childhood memories contained in this blog.

I also invite you to visit my other blog